Grit, Determinations and will power can move
Once I was in College, I realized I needed to reduce my dependency on inhalers. I was also allergic to many foods which triggered asthma. I struggled for years, Continuously Challenging myself by not using the inhalers and by consuming more and more of those foods I was allergic to, without taking anti-allergic medicines.

I thought I would die …many a times
But I didn’t give up! I wanted to push limits to see how far I can go with it! Finally, with exercises, discipline, diet and & determination, I conditioned my body and after 7 years of fight I got rid of asthma.
Today, I have climbed all the 7 summits (highest mountain of each continent) following both Messner's list and Bass's list and beyond including Mt Mont blanc and Mt Wilhelm, skied the last degree to South Pole pulling a 50Kg sled over a distance of 111 km at temperatures as low as -40 degree C and also have climbed the highest volcano in the world. I am in my last lap of climbing the volcanic 7 summits and this Jan I will climb Mt Sidley - the highest volcano of Antarctica to become the first from India to climb the Volcanic seven summits and Mt Sidley. I will also be the youngest in the world to have climbed both the 7 summits and Volcanic 7 summits breaking the record of Daniel Bull from Australia, the current Guinness Book of World record holder.
I have skied the last degree to South pole over 6 days carrying 50 KG load in -45 Degree c.
I have climbed the highest active volcano in the world - Mt Ojos Del Salado and is getting ready to climb the highest volcano of each continents.
Through my climbs, I want to inspire people ... to face their fear eye to eye and break free from the self limiting beliefs that cripples them. I want to instill confidence in millions of young people suffering from asthma about ridding themselves of the disease and leading a normal life.
Everything is possible if YOU believe it is possible.